If you are thinking of putting your Napa Valley real estate on the market during the holidays, you might have some reservations if you’re leaving town for the holidays. Owners of homes for sale in Napa, CA, just like anyone else, may be wary of having potential buyers look at their property while they are away, not to mention all the paperwork that needs to be done if someone does come along with an offer. Fortunately, this practice happens very often today and with all sorts of new web applications and a fantastic real estate agent, you can still get your Napa Valley real estate in front of eyes and even sold while you’re out and about!
Security will likely be on most owner’s minds while showing their homes for sale in Napa, CA. A simple secure lockbox on your property is the best way to keep the house available to be shown to qualified buyers. And when you do find the perfect purchaser to sell to, a Napa Valley real estate transaction will be easy to perform with file sharing apps like Dropbox or Google Drive. These wonderful inventions will be able to send confidential documents quickly and easily. Homes for sale in Napa, CA can have the all-too-important signatures performed virtually as well with Docusign and any in-depth conversation regarding property questions, transaction issues and the like can take place with video conferencing applications like Zoom, Skype, or even Facetime. You can even have contractors come to your piece of Napa Valley real estate to get the home show-ready while you’re gone. Home stagers, repair people, and cleaning companies can all do their jobs without you being at the property if you take the time to organize the contractors and key exchanges.
Homes for sale in Napa, CA will continue to be in high demand year-round, even in the current pandemic-influenced market. While traveling is up in the air this year, you can be assured that if you need to take a trip, you’ll still be able to get your home to the right new owner no matter where you are!