Simplifying Your Home Life

Let’s face it. Life can get complicated, complex and stressful very easily. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to simplify your life, especially at home. Here are some tips from the experts:

  • Don’t be ruled by the TV guide. Instead, select what you want to see and then record those shows. That way, you can watch them anytime.
  • Prepare some meals in advance that can simply be heated up as needed. That reduces a lot of “after-work, gotta-get-dinner ready” stress.
  • Create a weekly dinner menu. It takes some time to prepare, but it allows you to shop effectively, and greatly reduces the stress of figuring out what to cook each day.
  • Don’t accumulate stuff you don’t want or need. Give those things away.
  • Simplify your cleaning by dividing tasks into ten minute chunks (such as vacuuming the living room.) Then fit those tasks in here and there whenever you have ten minutes.
  • To avoid clutter, adopt the “touch it once” rule, which simply means putting things where they belong right away.
  • Think of the home-related chore you hate doing most. Can you outsource that to a local company, or a neighbor looking for some work?
  • Limit the time you and your family spend checking emails and text messages. Consider having an hour or two each evening that’s “no screen” time.
  • Develop healthy routines, such as evening walks and family board game night.

These are just a few ideas. If you want to simplify your home life, you can probably brainstorm several other strategies and habits you can try. The idea is to make your home an enjoyable place to be-for you and your family.

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