When you’re looking to sell a home in Napa, CA, or any piece of property that you own, it’s incredibly important that the property looks its best. With Spring in full swing, there’s no better time to get cleaning around the home! Real estate agents in Napa, CA would absolutely agree that a good, deep clean will help your home stand out to prospective buyers. With that said, here are three easy ways to help you get started sprucing up the house!
Scrub away!
It is probably the least fun, but it is one of the most important steps in prepping your homes for sale in Napa, CA. Putting in the extra effort and tending to the small details like baseboards and larger things like doors and windows (both inside and out) can make your home shine. Also, a good scrub on both the outdoor and indoor window sills can help the home really pop.
Remove and clean the area around the heating vents
Oh boy, does dust and hairballs get in these things and buyers will look at the details and cleanliness of a home. By going above and beyond you can really wow someone looking for their next home.
Clean the floors
Hopefully, a buyer is impressed by the curb appeal when they first arrive. Beyond that having a clean and tidy entryway from the floors to the ceiling will also make a great first impression. Clean and tidy homes show a buyer that you have pride of ownership and can highlight the special and unique details of a home. If living areas are not clean and well maintained, a buyer may wonder what other features may have deferred maintenance. While you’re at it, clear any old junk from around the house inside and out, you’ll have a much better chance of getting a solid offer on your house with a side bonus of having to move less when your home closes!